Element Group & Minova Process at Maden-Tek 2022

Element Group, together with its official dealer, Minova Process, participated last week at the Maden-Tek expo taking place from the 20th to the 21st of September. We used this chance to present our companies and technologies, as well as meet our current and potential partners in the region.

Turkey stands out as a very promising region for companies engaged in mineral extraction. However, the events of the last couple of years have taught the mining industry to adapt quickly to a rapidly changing agenda. The shocks of the pandemic smoothly flowed into increased energy costs and market instabilities, which eventually led to cutting profit margins. Therefore, mining companies in the regions became performance-orientated and started looking for alternative suppliers offering cutting-edge technologies and high-quality products.

It is not surprising that the Maden-Tek 2022 exhibition has become a platform for solving the current challenges of the industry. From the opening day of the event, active work began in the pavilion: participating companies presented relevant solutions and advanced technologies, and visitors looked at the available offers with special attention.

Since one of the key principles of Element Group is to offer the most effective solutions to the market, we demonstrated the most advanced products for crushers and slurry pumps that the industry could possibly offer. Luis Pinto Leite, Business Manager responsible for the Turkish Market at Element Group, noted that the stand was always crowded with customers and partners getting interested in new technologies and products that could help them to cut costs on operations and equipment maintenance.

“During the exhibition, we received a lot of attention for our best-selling products: THOR liners and Element TC liners with inserts of carbide titan. Besides the product range, visitors were highly interested in the availability of parts. The expo has provided a space to showcase our advanced web-platform offering real-time information about required parts, their stock availability, and delivery time”.

Additionally, Element Group and Minova Process participated in the conference organized within the framework of the Maden-Tek Expo. The symposium was focused on new technologies in mining, so Element TC and THOR were a perfect fit for the audience’s expectations and needs. After the presentation, we received positive feedback from attendances.

Orkun Öksüz, General Manager of our Turkish dealer Minova Process, highlighted the importance of our participation in the expo:

“Indeed, it was an important step for us. This is the first event in which Minova & Element partnership was demonstrated. The expo became a perfect opportunity for us to show our offering, case studies, and our advantages as reliable partners for mining companies in the region. And now it is time to implement new projects!”

On a final note, we would like to thank everyone who came to our stand over these busy days. And there is no doubt that we will continue participating in future exhibitions in Turkey.

See you next year!